"Meet the Boss" - Trainee interviews Managing Director Klaus Bökels of BIBUS METALS GmbH
Finja concluded her two-week voluntary training at BIBUS METALS GmbH with a special highlight: an interview with Managing Director Klaus Bökels. She prepared some exciting questions.
Finja: “What was your career path like?”
Klaus Bökels: “After graduating from school, I successfully completed an apprenticeship as an industrial clerk at Thyssen Edelstahlwerke AG in Krefeld. After a few changes, although I always stayed in this industrial sector, I got my first management position in 1998.”
Finja: “What are the responsibilities of a managing director?”
Klaus Bökels: “I deal with a wide range of matters. Fundamentally, the task of a managing director is to lead a company. The area of responsibility is less operational and more about the strategic direction of the company, observing developments, and responding accordingly, and above all, leading employees.”
Finja: “Thank you for that answer. What does a typical workday look like for you?”
Klaus Bökels (laughing): “Sometimes different than I thought in the morning.” - “Part of my tasks is still operational, such as purchasing goods or checking inventories. However, what strongly shapes my day is the feedback from my team and their desire for support.”
Finja: “I would also like to know what qualities you think a managing director should have?”
Klaus Bökels: “There are many different leadership styles, such as cooperative or authoritarian. Personally, I value attributes like cooperation and harmony. Appreciation, empathy, and the ability to put oneself in other people’s shoes and situations are important.”
Finja: “How would you describe the corporate culture at BIBUS METALS GmbH?”
Klaus Bökels: “Our corporate culture thrives on the cooperation and freedoms of our employees. However, I also expect my team to think for themselves and not just rely on me. Digital development is also evident at BIBUS METALS GmbH: In addition to the online platform, our team has the opportunity to work flexibly and remotely from home. I do not believe that one can fulfill their duties less well in a hybrid work model and therefore gladly give my employees this opportunity. A modern and attractive working atmosphere is very important.”
Finja: “What advice would you give to younger people?”
Klaus Bökels: “I give this advice not only as a managing director but also as a person: The most important thing is mutual understanding. One must put oneself in each other’s shoes more and also respect other opinions and views. For example, the generation conflict: Each generation grew up differently, but that does not mean that one cannot respect and benefit from each other. I grew up with requests being sent by mail, and now we operate a leading online platform at BIBUS METALS GmbH and are increasingly striving for digitalization opportunities. The older generation should take the opportunity to pass on their accumulated knowledge to the younger generation, and the younger generation should accept it and apply it in the modern world. Ultimately, the next generation will drive the economy forward.”
Finja: “Thank you for your time and these honest, insightful answers. I had a very nice time at BIBUS METALS GmbH and gained great impressions.”
Klaus Bökels: “I give this advice not only as a managing director but also as a person: The most important thing is mutual understanding. One must put oneself in each other’s shoes more and also respect other opinions and views. For example, the generation conflict: Each generation grew up differently, but that does not mean that one cannot respect and benefit from each other. I grew up with requests being sent by mail, and now we operate a leading online platform at BIBUS METALS GmbH and are increasingly striving for digitalization opportunities. The older generation should take the opportunity to pass on their accumulated knowledge to the younger generation, and the younger generation should accept it and apply it in the modern world. Ultimately, the next generation will drive the economy forward.”
Finja: “Thank you for your time and these honest, insightful answers. I had a very nice time at BIBUS METALS GmbH and gained great impressions.”
We would like to thank Finja for this great idea and hope that she was able to gain valuable insights. We wish her all the best for the future.
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